I am not alone… (SMA Type 1)

The story of Anri

I am not alone.. We are not alone..

Our son Anri has Type 1 SMA, the most severe form of the genetic disease. Every day, every minute, every second we fight for his health, for his life. Our worries, our struggles come with us hand in hand. They are with us at night and during the day, stealing the only available arm rest, and then once we get to just wherever we are going, they are still there. We can not make our struggles disappear, we have to deal with them. But we are not alone! Many people around us are helping Anri and we are so grateful to have them around.
There is still a long way for our Anri to healthy and happy life but we will be there! For sure! We believe!

With love, Anri and Anri’s family

I am not alone...