The story of Renee

You can be brave by showing the world your true colors! I have been living a life in the spot light since I was born. Not the sort of spot light like famous people, the kind that follows you through life and makes everyone notice. I have a large port wine stain on the left side of my face and have been diagnosed with Sturge Weber, a rare disease that involves my port wine stain and glaucoma. When I walk into a room, it’s like a spotlight is shining on me. Everyone notices. Then the double and triple takes…followed by either a look of pity, or sometimes disgust. I know at my age, I could cover it with make up. It’s not who I am. I am a warrior and I show my colors with pride and bravery! As an elementary school counselor it is important to me to show my students and others it’s ok to be different. It’s ok to turn something so unique into a learning tool. To teach students who don’t have a physical difference how to be kind and supportive. To teach those with a difference how to be brave and how to wear an invisible rain coat, when the stares and words get to you.
I am brave!
I wear my true colors out loud!