The story of Mackenzie

Hey! I’m Mackenzie and I’m a 17 year old from Australia. In 2015 I was diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst at 10 years old. In both 2017 and 2020 I had 3 brain surgeries as I have unexplained headaches that we were hoping might have been related to the cyst and could be fixed. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I have had many trips to the emergency department, including a few by ambulance. A lot of doctors have given up on me due to not being able to find a diagnosis, and that’s why I share my story!

For a lot of my life I was bullied greatly for my condition as it cannot be physically seen, and let me tell you, that hurt. Hopefully we will soon come to a time where all diseases and illnesses can be diagnosed and hopefully cured, prevented or managed!