My battle against Paraneoplastic Syndrome

The story of Larry

My name is Larry Klu. I’m an artist and teacher from Pittsburgh, Pa. I was diagnosed with Paraneoplastic Syndrome in February 2019 after experiencing speech issues, cognitive decline, short term memory issues, chronic fatigue, and muscle and joint problems- just to name a few symptoms. PNS occurs when microscopic cancer tumors are present in the body. The host body unleashes a powerful assault on the tumors, but goes too far. The host immune system begins wrecking havoc on good tissue as well. Hence, the many aforementioned issues become major problems. I require constant treatments, both immunotherapy and chemotherapy to keep my disease from taking me over. Though there is no cure for my disease, I have resolved to never stop fighting. I have nicknamed myself the “Polish Warrior” as I train constantly to keep myself strong for the journey. I work through much pain and brain fog in order to feel as normal as possible. God bless you for allowing me to share my story, and God bless all who fight #raredisease💪