Disbelieved and Disregarded

The story of Zainab

Hi! My name is Zainab and I was diagnosed with the rare autoimmune condition generalised Myasthenia Gravis (MG) at the age of 15.
When going through diagnosis I was labelled as lazy and a teenager and sent home many times. I was even laughed at by one optician when I showed him a picture of my ptosis (drooping eyelids). My confidence was shattered. I didn’t want to go back to any healthcare professional again. However, when I was finally believed I was sent for MRIs, CT scans and lumbar punctures. I had to endure all of these stressful procedures before I was offered the simple blood test that would be the confirming test to diagnose me with this incurable condition.
After a difficult few years of coming to terms with my MG diagnosis and accepting that I will never be the same again, I have decided to become an advocate for MG and Rare Disease in young people especially highlighting that conditions like mine may at times be ‘hidden’.
Please follow my MG journey on my Myasthenia socials below!
Instagram: @themyasthenicmedic (link: https://www.instagram.com/themyasthenicmedic/ )
Twitter: @myasthenicmedic (link: https://twitter.com/myasthenicmedic )
LinkedIn: Zainab Alani (link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zainab-alani-709777214 )
Facebook: Zainab Alani (link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php? )id=100077616511901