Miss Medical Mystery

The story of Rory

I just turned 16years old and I am suffering from an illness that affects the use of my legs and causes me great pain, nausea, fatigue and swelling/ discoloration of my lower limbs. For almost a year now I’ve been tested for many possibilities and seen many specialists, but still we have no answers. Though I have been diagnosed with crps (chronic regional pain syndrome) for the time being, we are still fighting for an answer and a cure. I have been confined to a chair for 6 months now, and I struggle to get through most days without getting sick or too tired to work and move. Though crps is rare enough on its own, my illness has expended many tests and is expected to be difficult to diagnose and treat. I have been competitively swimming from a young age, but now I am unable to participate and long for a chance back in the water before my senior year. Thank you for listening and I send my love to every person struggling to find help.