Rare transformation

The story of Nix

Although my health had been declining for 10 years or so, it wasn’t until 2018 that I realised my body was really very unwell. As someone who had been raised to be completely independent by 18 & to push through pain & discomfort, I carried on, carrying on, and this behaviour was compounded by each trip to a GP and being told I “only” had anxiety & depression, to increase my medication & exercise more. By March ‘19 I was unable to work, raise my arms above my shoulders, drive, or grip things very well, and the almost daily migraines were unbearable. In May I experienced a series of seizures which resulted in speech, balance, cognitive function & musculoskeletal pain, leaving me bed bound & only able to leave my home in a wheelchair. Since that time I have been on a personal quest to learn about my body, mind & soul and how it all works together works to give a sense of wellness. I took my health journey into my own hands, researching any treatments & protocols which I felt might help me, cross referencing them against current scientific research & data. I did this because I received minimal support & understanding from my health services or many ppl around me at that time, and I was convinced that I could at least improve things even if I couldn’t change everything. The immense gift of finding myself alone coping with a relatively sudden & very devastating health crises, and then the pandemic, has been to really learn to love and care for myself, and in doing so, I have been able to see significant shifts in my life. It’s been, snd still is at times, a long hard road, although I’ve been gifted with some beautiful humans, some generously supportive organisations/charities, and incredible patient support groups, without whom I would not have survived this enormous challenge.