The story of Darold

I was a healthy having retired from the Army. I had also completed several years with perfect attendance at work. This all changed 22 May 2011. It was a Sunday morning I woke with tinkling on the bottom of my hands and feet. I figured that it would go away. On Monday the signs continued. After work I went to the doctor who examined me and blew me off. She stated if I was not better by Wednesday to go to the ER. Tuesday I went to work not wanting to disrupt my perfect attendance. I swiped my badge to get into the building but dropped my badge. I was kneeing down but couldn’t get back up. I had to use the crash bar to pull myself up. I had my wife drive me to the hospital. After several test the doctor was confused and was going to send me home. We asked what about my legs he had me walk a little just shook his head. I went home and several hours later the doctor called he was off work but had thought about me a lot wanting me to come back and see a different doctor. I went to get up but my legs were gone.
I had to get the paramedics to get me into our van. Went to the hospital and was admitted. Within a couple days I was paralyzed from the eyes down. I continued to decline they tried to IVIG which did nothing. My heart stopped a couple times. Started Plasmapheresis treatment which started my recovery. I was in the ICU for about a month. Transferred to a rehab facility for about a month until my trach was removed. Then back to the hospital for inpatient rehab. Went home with wheel chair and walker. Did outpatient rehab for two years. Was doing real good but since I have declined. I have been hospitalized with pneumonia a couple times. Today my residuals include muscle weakness, fatigue, pain, essential tremor, balance, swallowing issues. I now use a walker and a cane. My wife is my support she has been their for me from the beginning. She stayed with me in the hospital so she could figure out what I was trying to say. I could move one eyebrow so she would go over letters on a chart until I would move my eyebrow. She was my everything.