The story of Cierra

On February 17th, 2010 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We knew our lives would forever be changed but we didn’t realize just how much. In April of 2010, we started to realize something wasn’t right Octobers’ eyes were darting all over the place. After serval years of tests and doctor’s appointments, In September of 2013 October was given her official diagnosis of Pelizaeus Merzbacher like disease. She was doing great was very independent and could do most of what her siblings could do. Unfortunately in November of 2016 her disease grabbed ahold of her a took her down we were afraid it wouldn’t let go. It took a lot from her all her abilities crawling, eating, sitting up without support were all taken from her she is now wheelchair-bound and tube-fed. She has good days and she has really bad days sitting up in her wheelchair can be exhausting for her. However is the happiest, fun-loving little girl I know and she will be 12 on Thursday. I am blessed that God chose me to be this wonderful girl’s mother. October is the light in the darkness and she shines bright!!