Living with AcroD

The story of Frankie

Hi! My name is Frankie, I’m 7 years old and live in Sydney Australia. I was diagnosed with Acrodysostosis Type 2 when I was 9 months old. Currently I am 1 in approx 130 people with AcroD in the world. My challenges included Developmental & Speech Delay, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, OCD, ODD, medically I have Hydrocephalus, so I have a shunt in my brain, I’m expected to be short statured, as AcroD is related to skeletal dysplasia and dwarfism. On the positive side of things I am improving in all aspects of my life, I go to school in a support unit and graduated Kindergarten with the Academic award for my class and my speech and communication is improving. I love school, my best friends Evan and Issy, swimming, being outdoors and the computer & my iPad. I inspire my parents, my sister, my family, my peers and my community.