
The story of Samvardhini

I was diagnosed with lipodystrophy in 2019 . Lipodystrophy is an extremely rare condition which affects 1 in 10 million people . So basically lipodystrophy is divided into many types I was diagnosed with generalised partial lipodystrophy . I don’t have the fat absorbing tissue in my body . So the fat in my body gets stored in the other body parts and may ultimately damage them it is also characterised by extreme hunger . And it also causes insulin resistance aka diabetes. I have to take 4 injections per day to keep my blood sugar levels in control. My arms and legs appear super muscular like a body builder . Since the fat tissues of my body are absent I cannot really gain weight . My condition was found out by taking a genetics test . I developed the symptoms at age 11 which was initially considered as diabetes . To know the fact that you have a rare disease at a young age is shocking and devastating . It was and still its super hard for me to accept . At a young age when other people are progressing and you are burdened with a rare disorder and still succeeding in achieving is a huge taurma . It feels like 100 of mountains have crashed on you . My parents were ready to deal with any hardships to come because as a young child they have seen the hardships they were very supportive at the time of my diagnosis . And they still and me having lipodystrophy is still a secret to the other family members except my grandparents and my siblings and parents .