Living with Chronic Hypogammaglobulinemia

The story of Mary

After fighting Follicular Lymphoma Non Hodgkins, stage 4 in 2016, I was able to achieve remission for this non-curable blood cancer. I’m alive and have a second chance to thrive! My chemo did what it supposed to do, but unfortunately my immune system took a huge hit. I began experiencing illnesses, hospitalizations because of these illnesses and the inability to fight off infection. I’m always sick with something, chronic cough, sinusitis, and small intestine bacteria overgrowth. I have to do antibody infusions every four weeks to try to keep antibodies and have a fighting chance. Not being able to fight off infection has really made it hard for me, especially during a pandemic. Hypogammaglobinmia has really made me aware of how rare some diseases are and how it can impact families. At 54 years old, I have so much to do, and I will continue to fight!