The story of Josje
Hi everyone, my name is Josie and in 2012 I got diagnosed with Tumor induced osteomalacia. It all started at work, I got some kind of allergic reaction to a chemical and started coughing. This coughing would not stop. After about a month my ribs were sore and after a lot of doctors and wrong diagnosis they found 5 broken ribs. This was the beginning of a long journey.
My bones are fragile, due to lack of phosphate. They hurt 24/7 and break easily. My whole body (muscles and stuff) hurt as well. I lack energy. I got disabled, haven’t work for years now. It s hard to cope. I started a fb group and now I have a small ‘family’ of TIO patients who support eachother. It is hard to explain to others what is feels like to have TIO. Some won’t even believe I have it, because of my positive attitude and smile. I try to live life to the max, within my limitationS