The story of Delphine

Hello everybody,


6 years ago after the delievery of my daughter Charlyne I was suddently not able to walk or to stand up without fainting.

My body seemed to be dead. It didn’t wanted to operate anymore.

From this terrible moment everything changed.My life, my relation with myself, my dreams.

But the love of my daughter helped me to continue fighting.

Only 3 years after the diagnosis was clear.POTS syndrome.

I suffered a lot psychologically during these 3 years, when all doctors were only mentionning the stress as potential cause..

Nobody know the POTS syndrome in Switzerland. I saw more than 14 specialists (cardiologists, neurologists, ORL, ..) before to be diagnosed in 5 minutes by a jung and curious doctor in the hospital.

So many exams (IRM, scan, neuro, ..) and so many fear and pains for no result.

2 years later I was also diagnosed with MCAS syndrome which in my case is the cause of the POTS.

I had an anaphylactic choc just before the delivery of my daughter. It’s maybe where everything started.

Today I live as best as I can.It’s not easy.

I’m able to work 80% but have to stop 2 months every year due to increase of symptoms.

This diseases are not only my diseases but the ones of my entire I can not live like everybody.A lot of things are different.

And I try to focus my mind on the “good moments” I’m able to have.

“Shadow is the only sign that there is somewhere a light which has to be disovered.”

I try to focus on this light.


*Find others with MCAS and POTS on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases