The story of Rok

My name is Rok, I come frome Slovenia, I am 26 years old. In 2007 I was diagnosed with marfan syndrome, which completly changed my life. I had to undergo bentall surgerry (aortic valve, root replacment), in 2009 which was quite difficult procedure. I lost a loot of blood because of a bleeding after the surgery…Then I had two times sponataneous pneumothorax in 2010… In 2018 I was fighting with severe back pain because of my scoliossis..In 2019 I had long fusion surgerry in Turkey which was performed by prof. Dr. Ahmet Alanay, one of the best spine surgeons in the world. The 16 hours long surgery went well and I was ablle to walk on the nextt day, for what I was really gratefull.Â