Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis

The story of Laurel

After the birth of my second daughter at age 27, I started to have restriction in my airway, my neck would ache if my daughters hugged me from behind (as so many children do). While doing a fitness challenge the fitter i became, the worst the stenosis became, struggling to breathe, stridor,  while walking, running, biking and eventually struggling to breathe doing basic household tasks. Numerous doctors visits where I was told I was just unfit or treating it as sports induced asthma (but the medication never helped to open my airways, only seeming to make me feel worse) 3 years later a doctor finally listened when I told her that I feel like something is in my throat, I was sent to an ENT and within minutes I had a diagnosis of Subglottic Stenosis. A narrowing of the trachea, scar tissue that looks like webbing that restricts on exertion. 14 years later,  I’ve had 19 dilitations and adjusting to this disease. I attempted to avoid colds and flus, learning to enjoy the good days, and slowing down on the bad ones. It often feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest when my airway closes and it becomes more exhausting to draw air in and out. Strange body aches, sometimes a throbbing ache in my neck. Daily coughing that is triggered instantaneously and mucous plugs that get caught on the stenosis and can close over the airway.

This illness is draining and exhausting.