My iih journey to hell and back

The story of Lynne

My name is Lynne I am 56 about seven years ago I started to feel ill. Yes I was overweight but quite healthy. I started to fall over had vision loss. And ringing in my ears and severe headaches. After a routine trip to optician started my journey I was diagnosed with idiopathic intercranial hypertension. I researched it lots as it was rare and scary. During my journey I have had about forty operations. Two shunt operations that failed I would spend six weeks in hospital and then be back in two weeks later. I got Mrsa twice was really nasty. I felt like dying. I had to give up my job was too ill to work. Then I realised I had to help myself I started  my weight loss journey and have shed nearly ten stone. My symptoms are less and am able to function as a normal person. It’s hard work but worth it.Â