I am Nitzia

The story of Nitzia

My name is Nitzia, I am from Mexico and I am living with Turner’s disease.

I love skating, swimming, playing with Barbie dolls, watching Sailor Moon movies and series and other comics. Helping others is also something I love which my rare disease has enabled me to do. I enjoy going to the movies, playing with my dog ​​Miztli or spending a day with my family at home.

My rare disease means completing several activities at the same time can sometimes be difficult.

In the rare disease community, Pau (Paulina “Pali” Peña Aragón, Toto’s sister) has been the one who helped me with therapies and advice and she is very special to me, I love her very much. My mother, who is always on the lookout for what happens and accompanies me in my consultations. My dad is very loving and I like to talk to him, and although he sometimes makes me angry I love him a lot. My brother, who is my example because he is very intelligent, although he has a difficult character, I love him.

We are united.


*Find others with Turner syndrome on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases