The story of Steve

Like many Asian family, having a baby boy in the family, is always a celebration. But my parents would not have expected that his child would have disfigured skin.

I was borned like other normal babies. Perfect skin. I still keep those photos till today until everything changed when I am 6 months old. It started with green lesion on my left shin and slowly it spread, changed colour and covered my left leg, body, both hands and face and neck. Some mistaken scars due to getting rid of tattoo. 

Ever since then my life has changed. I felt social awkwardness in the crowd whenever I wear short pants. People will laugh or try to avoid me and pointing fingers at me. I felt so much of challenge from schooling time until when I trying to get myself a job.

I still remember there was once I was taking a flight to Japan, the air steward stopped me from boarding my flight because of my skin. I reassured the air steward it is not contagious but it was futile. I told my friends to continue with the trip so that they won’t miss the plane. I am thankful that they willingly to wait for me. Finally the captain came and ask me. I explained and he then allowed me to board the plain.

Things for worse when I have unheal skin lesion. A biopsy was done and found out it was squamous carcinoma in situ. It was devastating when it happen simultaneously my parents passed away. The dermatologist told me that this will recur very oftenly and there is no cure. Thus, it did recur. No matter how much you remove, it will just occur somewhere else. i

Finally, I went off to think of life. I think that I should continue my dream even that tomorrow would be my last day of my life. I left my job and took up medicine because it is always my dream to be a doctor. To help people with disabilities to overcome their fear and to empower the people with medical knowledge so that they can decide the best for their health when they need to do so.

I am in year 4 and going to year 5 soon and continuously to help ppl in any way that I can able to.

Social stigma exist and I understand the hurdles you are going through but be strong my peers. You came to this world for a reason. I am sure you know. You build your own legacy.