Our Gunnar, Our Superhero

The story of Anji

Our son Gunnar, last of 6 born, was diagnosed with Imperforate Anus at birth. He had an ostomy placed at 2 days old, corrective surgery to open his anus at 6 months, and his takedown at 9 months. 

We found out that he also has horseshoe shaped kidneys, an extra set of ribs and a curved spine. He will probably also suffer from incontinence the rest of his life. 

Yet, through all the surgeries, the late night bag changes, for sometimes the 3rd time that night because getting a bag to stay on a squirmy baby was next to impossible, the accidents due to low muscle tone in his sphincter, Gunnar has remained a ray of sunshine. 

The nurses at the hospitals would come in to see him because they would hear how happy and hammy he was, even right after surgery. 

He has taught me what real strength and endurance is, and anytime I start to get down about his condition, I think of some of the other kids with VACTERL, in our IA support group on FB. I know that what he has could be so much worse. But even if it was, he’d still be our strong, smiley boy. Our boy with a heart for animals and a love for outdoors. 

Thank you for listening!