The story of Megan

My husband and I had always dreamed of having 3 kids. After having 2 girls, we were unsure about having another after some tough pregnancies.  When I was 33, I decided to try for one more because I didn’t want to add advanced maternal age to my other issues.

I became pregant right away. I was sick immediately.  Even before I could take a test. I knew we were about to be blessed with our final child.  I had no idea how sick I was going to be the entire time.

At 16 weeks pregnant, we found out we were having a boy! We were over the moon. And although we were super excited to shout it from the rooftop, something told me to only tell a few people.

I woke up the morning of my 20 week anatomy ultrasound with a pit in my stomach.  They discovered cysts on his brain I was rushed for bloodwork. The genetic doctors were preparing me for trisomy18. Although it was unlikely, there was a chance. It was like time stood still.

A week later the results came back negative for t18.  And and at 21 weeks pregnant, we finally made the news public! 

At 25 weeks my entire body started to itch. Head to toe. I remember my ear lobes itched the most. I chalked it up to hormones. For weeks I felt this stinging, burning itchiness under my skin. It drove me to the brink of insanity. 

I finally called my Obstetrician. I was brought in to have my bile acids checked. They came back negative for ICP. But the itching did not stop. 

At 29 weeks they re ran my bile acids test. 5 days later I was diagnosed with ICP. I was put on Urso and ordered extra monitoring. I was informed that my son would be delivered at 37 weeks because the risk of stillbirth increases dramatically after that point.

I barely made it to 37 weeks after 3 premature labor scares. 

Nathan was born on July 17 2019 via c section at exactly 37 weeks. There was some complications and he was vacuumed out. His Apgar score was a 6. They had to give him oxygen right away. He wound up going right away for extra care.

Nathan was admitted to the NICU that night for low blood sugar, trouble breathing and a “blue episode”

Our little fighter was expected to stay there for 3 weeks…but he was home after 5 days!  

Nate has had nothing but a clean bill of health since he was released from the NICU.