The story of Emily

When Amalia was 5 months old she came down with a very bad virus (RSV) and was hospitalized. While being in the hospital her oxygen levels were very low! Which is normal for infants while sick with the respiratory virus, but for some reason they wouldn’t level out. After the week she was hospitalized she was swabbed again, but this time she was negative for RSV. This led doctors and nurses with questions running through their mind, why are her oxygen levels not normal? Test after test after test, it finally came down to one of the most scariest moments in my life .. whether I had to let doctors operate on my 5 month old and do a lung biopsy or to hope I get answers with more tests that were most likely NOT going to give me a answer. So Dad and I finally agreed we needed answers and left my daughters life in their hands. About 2 weeks later we finally received answers, The doctors finally confirmed and told us she has NEHI, a Childhood interstitial Lung Disease. Once she was strong enough to go, to home we went!

Now a year has almost past by. My beautiful Amalia is 16 months, 17 in a couple days. She is delayed on her walking, but is finally learning to stand on her own. She eats and drinks normally, loves everyone she meets, and continues to fight until we beat this disease!!