What I Thought Was the Flu…


The story of Sharan

I thought I had the flu, and after several days in my local hospital, I was told I had terminal lung cancer. After a second look, doctors decided it wasn’t cancer, but they knew I needed to get to a different hospital that was better equipped. I checked into University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, and within two days, I was diagnosed with vasculitis – more specifically GPA (Graulomatosis with Polyangiitis, Old Name: Wegener’s). That was March 2018.

I’m still not stable with this disease, but after it tried to kill me twice within three months, I’m alive, I’m working full-time, and I’m looking forward to a time when I can use the words “well-controlled.” My family, my friends, and my employer have all been super supportive, and I’m thankful every day that I have such wonderful people in my life!Â