The story of Judy

My name is Carlos and I am 3 years old.  When I was born, I had to stay in the NICU for awhile.  I was born with 2 VSD’S in my heart, double hernias, club feet, and gastronomic problems.  I have developmental and intellectual delays.  I am in process of learning to pull myself up and can set up for a few minutes on my own.  I have to eat through. Mic tube but taking a few bites of baby food that has been thickened.  They did genetic testing and found out I have FG Syndrome.

  I have a little sister that is almost 2 and talks, walks, and sits up by herself.  I am working so hard on strengthening my muscles so I can start trying to walk. I have a wonderful extended family that takes care of me and loves me so much.  I am doing more and more things as each week passes and someday I will be able to eat all types of food by mouth, walk and play outside, and talk about everything I am thinking about.

I know that God has been with me through my obstacles and HE has big plans in store for me.  Please continue to remember everyone that is living with some kind of disease and realize that each day is a challenge for them and their family.