The story of Melissa

In May of 2006 I was playing hand ball with my little girl in our apartment complex. The symptoms came on all at once and I had no idea what was happening to me. To be honest I thought I was going to dye. As i look back now after all I have been through, I find it a bit amusing especially when I came so close to actual death at least 5 or 6 times to this present year. It all begin with my first diagnosis with the Lupus. Than from there my body just begin to collect other rare auto-immune diseases as the years have passed. To say my life has been a struggle is an understatement. I have been intubated 5 times, flown on a life flight helicopter, cheated death at least 5 to 6 times, and have learned to walk 5 times. Currently I am back in a wheelchair and I am hoping my legs will work again, but at this point it’s taking longer to regain strength. I wont give up. I am a fighter and I will not be defined by these diseases. I want people to know that these diseases DO EXIST and life is NOT EASY, but we are WARRIORS that we will continue to live our lives to the best of our abilities. We know that each day is a precious gift and to live it without taking it for granted. 


*Find others with GBS/CIDP on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases.