The story of Muhammad

For Raising Awareness of Mal-Odor diseases such as PATM & TMAU

I wanted to tell your organizaton that there are many people suffering from this situation whom life is ruined due to PATM (People Are AllergicTo Me ) & TMAU (Trimethylaminauria) [BODY  ODOR] Diseases . Sir I am a PATM sufferer whenever I go in public or I am in my own home. People start coughing , sneezing , runny noses……due to body odor. After paying heavy dues to specialist doctors not getting treatment. As this is a rare disease  .You can check on Internet that No. of People in these types of diseases have increased by last 3-4 years .  They got up wanting to be found dead tomorrow. Can you imagine could not go in Public people will cough and sneeze in PATM and avoided, bullied due to Bad Odor in TMAU disease. It is impossible for a student to go in University , for a person to go in office , many of them quit their jobs after 6-7 days……..God has also gifted them senses one time will come they will realize that whenever we will talk to that affected person we will have allergic reactions and we could not stay near that person due to bad odor As a result avoided in future. They are Not getting any result after paying heavy dues and going to Specialist doctors. Some of them think that We are suffering from Mental Issue. By God it is Pure Medical Lets Research on this issue Dear . I strongly Condemn to those Doctors and to those people who think it as a mental issue and should be treated like that . A doctor prescribed me medicine which was for brain and i was unable to talk after taking it. If we will not pay heed in this issue I am sorry to say there will be suicides. Today I read on Facebook in our private Group of people suffering with this disease that “Another Member committed suicide due to this Issue……” How long we are going to wait for this until this issue is solved. Please give other people a chance to live life again. And You know why this is a Rare disease because when people know about it that due to them other getting allergic , disturbed even their own parents and house members , having no treatment no matter how much rich they are , could not go in public . They go towards suicide . Many of us have done Suicide sir that is why it is a rare disease . People don’t have this disease because 90% people commit suicide in this situation . I myself has thought about it more than 20 times. We are survivors of a big endless war . And are still fighting it day by day . I wanted from you to raise awareness about it in this matter as Media is so much powerful Now A Days. Give people relief from this As Early As Possible. We need to take another step in the field of medicine. Diseases other than Cancer and Hepatitis exists .My question is that where the hell are Researchers after completing their degrees . Not a single person is willing to Research on this Disease. People who are willing to help like MEBO organization and Dr. Irene Gabishvili are not having funds and aids in this matter even it is a non profit organization. Please Sir Give us a relief. Being a student of Computer Science I couldn’t research , Even unable to go to University due to this rare disease. I assure you I myself will be available for you for  providing all data for  documentary , information or anything you need in this matter…

After hearing the news of Suicide of about two members in our group I am writing this mail to you . Hoping you could help us in this matter . If not let us continuously do Suicides.

MEBO anf Dr. Irene Gabashvili are like Angels for us as they are the only one working for our disease. Please sir let us give a chance to live life again . I am even unable to go to univeesity due to this issue.

Student of BS-CS
Comsats University

God Bless You….


*Find others with Trimethylaminuria on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases.