Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and Septo Optic Dysplasia

The story of Jade

My beautiful daughter- Piper, has Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, and recently she was also diagnosed with Septo Optic dysplasia.

These rare diseases deem her legally blind – a tough pill to swallow.

I started a blog early on to document her journey. I found that when we had her initial diagnosis I couldn’t find anyone going through similar and I desperately needed to connect and relate to others who were living this experience.

Her life won’t be the same as ours, we know that, but we will make sure it’s one hell of a brilliant life and we will do all we can to make sure she doesn’t ever feel left behind or conscious of her condition, From the moment she was born she was adored by so many people, for us it was love at first sight- and if it’s possible I think I love her even more now.
