The story of Hannah

I guess you can say I’ve been through heck the past 19 months. So 19 months ago I was a regular 21 year old married woman with no plans for my future. I soon found out I was pregnant and 17 weeks at that. I stopped feeling my baby move at 32 weeks and was taken into the hospital and observed for 12 hours before they transferred me over 2 hours way to a more equipped hospital where they then coded me and my baby minutes upon arrival because I had pre eclampsia almost eclampsia and my baby couldn’t breath the placenta has abprupted. 


He was a healthy 4.3 lb baby that only spent 17 days in the NICU, however ever since his birth I’ve been in and out of the hospital with complications, from sever blood clots in both my lungs to being brought in straight from a routine eye examine because the eye doctor thought I had a blood clot on the brain and needed me exxamed right away. I had a bad papledema and it took them nearly a month to finally diagnose me with Psuedotumor Cerebri. 

Ever since the diagnosis I’ve been back and forth getting spinal taps, which sucks because I have no one to watch my son while I’m on 24 hour bed rest following. But my eye site has gotten worse and I have blurred vision every day and headaches that last several days at a time. They are too scared to do any surgery with my history of blood clots so they have me on the highest dose possible of the diuretic. It helps most days but always makes me super tired and nauseous. I can’t even grocery shop anymore without gagging just looking at all the food. 

On top of everything I lost my sweet momma 4 short months ago, and I can’t even cry about it because crying increases my intercrainial pressure and causes these knee dropping headaches. But I know I could have it so much worse, so I need to be greatful! 

Positivity is key xx