The story of Zane

I was diagnosed with (SMAS) on 11/26/10 and spent three weeks in three seperate hospitals that doctors knew nothing about this rare disease.  I then underwent the Rouen-Y surgery after spending to long to have surgery and now have a non-functioning stomach and digestive & immune system and live in chronic pain ever since in my spine.

For all those (SMAS) patients around the world do not give up on hope because it does lean heavy on the soul and is a very debilitating illness and it also test your best strength at times.

It is more reason for all those who take life for granted as your life can change at a snap of your finger and you end up fighting for your life after the diagnosis.

Doctors seem to think you are cured after the surgery and in some cases patients are much better but that has not been the case with me for 7 long years now as I battle every day and night in pain and suffering.

God bless to all and especially the (SMAS) patients around the globe!!