Takayasu arteritis

The story of Jackie

The world ends when we wanted to end”–
Hi! I’m Jackie..mom of 3 married 3 years to my best friend. I got diagnosed this past December with Takayasu arteritis which is inflamation of the main arteries of the heart . The arteries that pass oxygen and blood to my brain. Meaning u can get a heart attack or stroke any time of day even with no symptoms of either. Means living w chest pain, shortness of breath, drinking from 8-12 pills a day , plus chemotherapy. This disease is so rare every time I see a new doctor or specialist tell me I’m the first case they hear w this disease . How do I react? I say to myself and smile well like my husband says ” you’re one of a kind baby”
I live my life w less stress as possible , w 3 kids age 8 , 5 and 2 years old how do I do it?.. keeping a positive outlook on life and pushing all that negativity away from me and my family.
I can call myself an X-Men . Since it’s an auto immune disease.
Everytime my kids see me leave for chemo or another doctors appointment I tell them that I have to leave so I can get medicine to make me feel better.. why crush their happy world knowing diseases like mine can end my life any time..my job is to protect them and make them feel safe no matter what. Even in pain w all the medication or even after chemo I put a smile knowing my kids are ok. Life keeps going day by day ..a little bit slower than before but some how I’ve noticed since this disease I’ve gotten stronger, mentally, spiritually and my heart is stronger than before. Maybe cause it’s pumping twice as much to keep me going.
Thank you heart. You give me hope 🙂

Connect with other people living with Takayasu arteritis – RareConnect.org