
The story of Samantha

My daughter was born with cmn on the left side of her face covering 30% of her left eye and 25-30% of her face. There are BIRTH mark units in England who will deal with this but because I live in Wales I’m not eligible to be seen in England.
We are being sent to see ophthalmologist all over the country who are saying I haven’t dealt with this before so will send us off again, but only within he confines of Wales. If we could get a referral to greeat ormond street birth mark unit alder hey or Birmingham my daughter could be seen by a apthomologist who has done research in cmn covering optical nerves. The NHS have said they can’t remove it all so leave it. Even tho it Carries a slight risk of turning cancerous. Iv found a doctor who can remove it all and rebuild her eye lid for around £60 thousand. A doctor who says he can make it appear smaller over time for 35 grand. I’m already over £2000 into private care because we can’t get seen in Wales it’s the worse as a mum.