My life with Degenerative Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia

The story of Chris

My name is Chris Phillips, I am 39 years old and I live in Worcester, South Africa. I was diagnosed with Degenerative Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia 3 years ago. This disease has progressively attacked my ability to walk and speak. Simple things people take for granted has become a struggle for me. I am a pastor and this disease has affected my ability to serve God and to serve His people. Just to stand in front of my congregation and deliver the Word of God is almost an impossible task as my speech becomes inaudible at times.

There is no cure for Degenerative Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia, but I remain hopeful and faithful that my God has a plan for me. My ever supportive wife, Natasha, has found a doctor in Beijing, who is willing to perform Stem Cell treatment on me. I am positive that this treatment will improve the quality of my life. I am positive that this treatment will enable me to do more things with my wife and 2 kids. I am positive that this treatment will enable me to continue to serve God.

I am in the process of raising money for my trip to Beijing. I need to raise $US20 000 which will cover treatment costs as well as living expenses for the duration of my Stem Cell treatment. I am in awe of how amazing people have been. Even though fundraising efforts have been very slow, the community are pitching in and they are helping where and how they can.

Please continue to tell your story and to raise awareness about rare diseases across the world. I support the efforts of Rare Disease Day – with research, possibilities are limitless. And with God, all things are possible!