My live with retinitis pigmentosa and a retina implant

The story of Dorothea

My name is Dorothea, I am 47 years old and live in a small village in germany. When I was about 3 years old, my parents found out, that I have big problems with my vision. In the age of 29 I was diagnosed Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) The doctors told me, it is a stable form, and I will not get blind very early. Well, now I am 47 years and I am blind now for nearly 7 years. The tunnel closed and I have no vision left.
4 years ago my eye doctor told me about a new technology, a retina implant, called Argus II and said he things, I could be a possible candidat for it. The whole system is a little chip which is placed on the retina, glasses with a small camera and a little computer.
I made an appointement with the university hospital in Cologne and that was the moment my life changed a lot. In th hospital they made a lot of tests an found out, that I am eligible for this system. I was happy, but needed a few days to think about it. Than I made one of the best decisions in my life and decidet for the surgery. Why? I had nothing to loose and could only win. And the second point was, if noone takes this implant, the research can not go on. So on the 8th of October 2013 I got my Argus II implant. 10 days later I started the rehabilitation and did the first steps with my new vision! That was so exciting. Very important is to train a lot on your own, I was told and did this.
Well, it is not a natural vision I have no, and I am not able to go out without the cane or my dog, but for me it is a big help. I have no a face field from about 20 Degrees, and a light perception. I have the implant and he whole system now about 3,5 years and I have a much better oriantation,and molilitation. I can perceive pavement boards, stairs, the crossing stripes on the streets, I can see moevements of persons, and find the door of the bus much better. It helps doong the ironing witot burning myselve. For me it was a really great chance! My husband and I do have 4 dogs and now I can perceive them, when they are playing outside, so nice! My personal highlighte are watching fireworks again, perceiving the white cluds in a blue sky or watching the animals in a Zoo.
When I got blind I have aost of myselve and my personality, I got so ansure and sometimes so helpless. But now I start to be myselve again. I do a lot of travelling and love to try new things, I have never done bevore.

Thank you so much for this great chance! I would always do it again.