The story of Aneeba

Hello there,
My name is Aneeba I am 25 years old and I have bbs which I am bbs10. When I was a baby I was born with six fingers and toes but I have them removed when I was a baby which I wear special shoes. I am visual impairment as I can’t see things in the dark and I can’t see colours as I am colour~blind. I have always wore my glasses sonics I was eight months old. When I go out I use a cane but if I don’t know a famiar place then I am sighted guided. Also when I go out I do wear my anti~glare sunglassess as I am sensitive to very bright sun~light.I did used to have childhood asthma but I don’t have it anymore. I used to have a weight problems but I have learn to control it as I am on a low carb diet as I have got high blood pressure but I am on medication for it. I have got mild learning difficulties. I have speech problems as it can be a bit hard for you to understand what I am trying to say to you. I have eczema as I can’t wear anything silk apart from cotton. Finally I have spondysis that effect my back and legs as I can’t straighten my back as I lean onto one side and I can walk long distance but my legs can get tired very easily. In my spare time I like to Listen to music Sing Listen to talking books Going on power walks Facebook Soicaling with famliy and friends I have help out to raise money for bbs by Writing articles for newsletters
jeans fo generally Rare diease day Also taking part in fun runs as well. Also I did the conference as well. I now have a volunteering job at rnib which I work with the fundraising team. As you can see I don’t let bbs stop me from achieving my dreams and goals in life!!!