Always look forward to achieving goals in life.

The story of Andrew Bannister

My name is Andrew. I live in Perth Western Australia I am 25 years old
I was born with three Brain Malformations, one is Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia (PVNH) the second is Polmicrogyria (PMG) and I also have Cerebellar Hypoplasia. My family and I found out when I was 17 years old I had these three malformations. I didn’t talk until I was six and half, before then I used sign language, I started walking when I was four and a half. I am now 25 years old. In late 2008 I started doing para Athletics from 100m to 1500m on a National level. In 2014 I started para cycling ,racing a tricycle . In 2015 I went to Adelaide for the National Championship and I got 2 gold medals in the Time trial and the Road race and became the National Champion for my T2 classification. I hope one day to go to the Paralympics and represent Australia. One of my biggest goals is giving back to the community,helping sick people. and becoming like a Occupational Therapy Assistant.