autoimmune hepatitis,

The story of natasha

I’m always trying to help people understand Chloe’s disease and the hell we been thought and are still going thought!!! Around when Chloe was 2 she started to lose her hair and started to have lots of pain in “her belly” so i took her to the family doctor. They said maybe acid reflux put her of meds for the next month. Pain gets worst so back to the doctors we go they said maybe shes needs more attention.. The next month the pain was so bad it woud drop her to the floor so back to the doctors again… i wouldnt leave to they did something.. blood work. Within that same week we were seen at Hershey Hospital. It was never good news 1000’s of tubes of blood, 2 liver biopsies, X rays, 5 doctors, ultrasounds, MRI’s. At one point they told me she may have HIV. They tested her for everything!!! Hershey sat me down and said we have no idea whats wrong with your daughter and we suggest you go to a different hospital. So off we go to Children’s Hospital Philadelphia!!! So more blood work and MRI’s. Within two visits with them we were diagnosed.
Chloe was diagnosed 9/22/14 with autoimmune hepatitis, i will never forget that day!! They said she has cirrhosis of the liver and strated us on prednisone and Azathioprine side effects of both these medicines are pretty bad. To this day she still is taking both of them! With all that said she getting ready to have her 4 liver biopsies and she been recently tested for other autoimmune diseases. They say she has a 50/50 chance of having other autoimmune diseases! Its been one hell of a road for us!