The story of Tj

Hello, if you read all of this thank you. I’m Tj. 21 year old from Southern California. And about 2-3 years ago I’ve had this life taking disease called TMAU, a little about myself. I was very popular growing up. Played sports my whole life. Football, captain of the wrestling team, was at every party in highschool. Stuff like that. Then I decided to go to school in Utah and it was awesome made lots of friends and played sports worked out, partied. Etc. and all of a sudden literally over night without even me noticing it I got TMAU. And I heard it all”It smells like s***”, “Who Farted in here” Did I s**t myself. You catch my drift. Even the teachers would talk bad about me. I went from having an amazing care free life. To having zero friends, everyone hating me, and feeling so alone, I was getting into fist fights constantly, and it got so bad to the point where I almost committed suicide, it was so bad I had to drop out and come back home, I landed a side job and can make a good amount of money but still. I can’t go in stores. I can’t talk to people. I can’t do anything anymore cuz all people do is treat and look at me like I’m an alien or something. I have very little friends and I barely even see them because of it. Thankfully god blessed me with an amazing fiancé that understands what I’m going through and can be there for me no matter what. But I can’t take her out to eat or to the movies or anything. I kno it hurts her but it’s been almost 2 years we’ve been dating and she’s still in love with me. She said she smells it but she looks past it. My family doesn’t believe me. My mom and my dad both think I’m crazy. But I’ve seen them look at me the way other people do many times so I know they know. I just wish this problem was gone. It’s ruining my life. And soon I’m afraid it’ll push my fiancé away. She’s never once been out to dinner or to a movie with me because of this. And I kno it affects her greatly. This is a real problem. And people need to take it more seriously. People are so quick to make fun of you because you smell but I’d like to see how they’d react if it happened it them. I didn’t ask for this it just happened to me and if I could relive my life before I had this problem I would try to make better of it because this literally takes my life away from me. I’m praying and I know one day I will be cured and I will be fully. Truly. Happy again. Thank you for reading. Email if you’d ever like to talk. God bless.

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