What it’s like having Interstitial Cystitis/painful bladder syndrome

The story of Zoe 31

What it’s like having Interstitial Cystitis. I have been peeing about every 5 to 15 mins, only drops come out. In between I’m getting nerve shock waves running through my body. This feeling centralizes in my urethra/bladder area but I feel it go through my body ending in my finger tips and toes with a fingers in the light socket feeling. It often feels like I have a bowling ball covered in razors stuck inside my bladder, which can prevent me from standing. I’m not able to go most places and when I do I’m mostly in line or looking for a bathroom. If I have to pee and can’t do it right away the pain is excruciating and my stomach can grow about 3 times bigger in seconds. I haven’t wore jeans in 4 years. Even simple things like driving can be hard. I have to stop several times and find bathrooms, you would be supersized how many places won’t let you use the bathroom. There is no cure, just painful, invasive treatments and surgery’s. In my case they made my pain worse and didn’t helped. Changing my diet and lifestyle is what has helped me most. But there has to be something better!