My desmiod fibromatosis story

The story of beth

I was diagnosed on the 14th December just before my 17th birthday last year with desmoid fibromatosis. it took a very long time to find this out due to this condition being so rare. I had many ct mri and mri with die to see how big these tumours are. as the two on my spine are increasing in size every day and getting more painful every day it a up hill battle that I keep on fighting. Even though I’ve had 20 biopsy (core needle and excisional) on all 3 tumour’s I know that seems a lot but you get used to it after a while. These tumours so far are inoperable and I still need test because of fap and genetics testing but hopefully once all these test result come back I can start on a treatment plan. Every day that goes by now I try and spend it the best I can even with my pain and neurological problem’s because of these pesky tumours. but I take every day in my stride knowing trying to forget about the pain, the constant hospital visit. I hope one day there will be one day there will be a cure for every body rare conditions.