my mommys journey

The story of katie hofer

After church on April 29th 2012, my mommy’s life changed. After church, we were going up stairs but while we were, my mommy thought she was having a heart attack. My daddy rushed her to the hospital but when she got there, she found out it was not a heart attack. It was something else that was really serious. This is where her Faith journey begins. During the summer of 2012, the doctors ran lots of tests. Finally, we found out that she had a rare right coronary artery anomalies plus sinus tachycardia problems. In Winter 2012, she began wearing oxygen. In 2013, her condition became worse. During the fall, she has A fib. In February 2014, my mommy had a sinus node modification. Now my mommy only has 1/3 of her sinus node left without a pacemaker and is high risk of sinus arrest. During this whole time, she has been stuck in bed and unable to do anything. Now in Summer and Fall of 2014, her doctors don’t know what to do because of the insurance change. The doctor that did the surgery is unable to see my mommy because of insurance. Need an EP(heart) doctor to take on this rare case that my mommy has. Yesterday,
My mommy (Donna Hofer) went to the heart doctor’s. The doctor told her she had Dysautonomia. This is a really serious thing she has. Here is a website what it is exactly: