Combined Cobalamin C Defect the story so far!

The story of Miss Sofia Rita Belmonte

Born as a Natural Breach Birth at the Canberra Hospital in July 1970 a Blood Transfusion and Rewiring my Eyes by 1978 I had a Massive Stroke and had to learn everything again I was again in the Canberra Hospital and Camperdown Children’s Hospital Professor Bridget Wilcken and The Yale Children’s Medical Hospital Where I was Diagnosed with Combined Cobalamin C Defect , Two Way S Bend Scoliosis Pediatrician DrDavid Henchman Dr Nancy and Dr Robert Griffiths I have testing and check ups between Woden Valley Hospital Marie Vourn, Gaynor Edwards , Gaynor nursing and hospital staff I can remember and the Camperdown Hospital every year to two years by 2003 I had a Full Open Hysterectomy for Adynomyosis and Hemoregic Bleeding and Cysts an Ovary was left behind by 2007 I had to have a oophorectomy for Cysts and pain where again Ovary was left behind currently looked after by Dr Michel TChan Adult Metabolic unit Westmead and Dr Shannon craft by2016 I am also now Riddled with Osteoarthritis.