The story of Samuel

Sam is 4 years old and has been fighting Cystic Fibrosis since birth. At 3 months old, he was hospitalized with flu, pseudomonas, and a viral infection. Since that day, he has endured thousands of breathing treatments, hundreds of hours of manual chest PT to clear the mucus, several hospitalizations, and a myriad of medicines daily. He is a true warrior in every sense of the word. In Nov. 2014, he was also diagnosed with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He is one of only a handful of people in this country to have both diseases. There is no research or data to guide the doctors. He spent 8 days in hospital due to CF complications brought on by one of the medicines he was taking for the leukemia. We trust that God will continue to cover Sam with His protective hand and see him through this trial. He is a fighter and never leaves anyone as a stranger. He has a great purpose in this world, and we are eager to see that plan unfold as he battles these monsters trying to take over his body. CF WILL NOT WIN!!!!