The story of Beth

My husband of 32 years,Bob Profeta father of our 4 beautiful kids was handed a death sentence in 2009, PMP aka Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma. Bob had the most aggressive tumor type,WE NEVER HAD A CHANCE,crash of the economy had already wiped us out he had no choice but to work through chemo,some days I’d cry when he came home so hurt!Bob LOST HIS BRAVEST Battle on Sept.27,2012 The kids & I still have yet to put our ‘SHATTERED’ lives back together.shortly after Bob passed away, My 13 year old CHILD found foreclosure papers n the front porch!Ive been fighting wells fargo with everything I have,also trying to create a law that’d ensure the moment of a terminal diagnoses, programs are in place to protect you/your family!To ensure the dying dont lose everything they worked their entire lives for, such as housing help,medication,etc!This law needs to be national.EVERYONE please CONTACT YOUR STATE REP TOO!No family should ever go through this! In loving memory of a really good man.THANK YOU for letting me share our story&please sign my petition2help us save our home