About Associazione Sindrome Bardet Biedl Italia
The Bardet-Biedl Association -Italy was founded in 2009 by a group of families affected by BBS. We came together to help and support other families by giving information, helping to organize medical appointments with BBS specialists and, at the same time, raise awareness of the difficulties and challenges of BBS and the day to day problems these individuals face. We’ve created a network of communication between families and specialists. Raising funds to finance reasearch projects, holding conferences about BBS and smaller events simply to raise awareness and explain to everyone what exactly BBS is and in the case of new families, to let them know that there is always someone here to listen.
L’ASBBI è stata fondata in 2009 da un gruppo di famiglie con figli affetti da BBS.  I nostri obbietivi sono di divulgare notizie sulla malattia e la ricerca scientifica, creare una rete di informazioni utili per le famiglie e raccogliere fondi per promuovere la ricerca.