The story of Christine
In 2022 I was eventually diagnosed with Alexanders disease. I was 70 years old and didn’t expect that! People who see me now see an ol;d lady who probably had a stroke as my left side is quite useless. Sadly, after being so active all my life, I now also have compacted discs in my lower spine, arthritis in my knees, shoulders, fingers and discs in my spine. Pain killers and anti depressants are my regular ‘diet’; and having watched my weight and figure when younger I’m now wheelchair/housebound and a size 20. I live alone but my bestie is Roxy, my staffy. Without her life would be unbearable. I don’t have children so life can be isolating and I live in a part of the country that I don’t really know, due to moving to look after my mum (who sadly passed a few years ago at the grand age of 92). Luckily I found a bungalow at the edge of a small village in North Lincolnshire with fiels and a wood as my close neighbourhood. I watch wi;d birds on the feeders I ave outside my lounge window and have my morning cup of tea delighting in their company. It is what it is, but I often think “why me?”, especially as I used to go on lovely holidays both abroad and in the UK. The saying “you ndon’t know what you have til it’s gone resonates in my head daily and I can’t help getting out of these dark moods. I wanted a chance to speak my thoughts but apologise to those of you who have read my story. I wish you well and thank you