The story of Lashonda
My son was born June 3rd 2015. During my pregnancy everything was fine, every ultrasound was perfect I even was shown images of him in my stomach literally eating putting food in his mouth lol until the actual day he was born my life turned into pure chaos! I delivered him early because the doctor said they didn’t want him to get any bigger so they had to induce my labor. I was at UIC hospital on the west side of Chicago where basically students were the doctors. 8 hours of pure pain no medications or epidural I delivered an 8 pound 3 ounce beautiful baby boy!! I was so excited! Hours after the delivery the doctors said his shoulder was broken, then they said it was on because it happens all the time and his shoulder will heal. And he was admitted to the NICU. While in there the doctor said something was off with his tone, and I really didn’t know what he was talking about so instantly I became furious because I’m thinking his broken shoulder caused it. After running more texts they said he had a rare genetic disorder called NKH (nonketotic hypoglycemia disorder) a rare genetic disorder that causes seizures and mental retardation. My heart immediately sank! I was young I didn’t understand what was going on I didn’t have the proper support from family and friends I felt so lost and alone, I didn’t know what to do!!! And to top it off, in the process of all this I lost my job, my apartment, my car and my boyfriend!! My life literally turned upside down!! I can still feel the pain, frustration and sadness in my stomach until this day!! Without having any money or means of transportation I knew I had to get to that hospital to see my son! So as a mother I had to do what I had to do! I had one bus pass with no money on it, but when I tell you God works in mysterious ways! He definitely does! I had to take 1 train and 2 buses to go see my son in the hospital with a bus pass that didn’t have any money on