The story of Pamela
My name is Pamela, I’m italian and when I was 30 I woke up and…boom! I felt a terrible pain on my neck and sholders, just like a bomb! After a few months and a lot of exams I discovered I had an aneurysm on my AVM. My answer to my neuroradiologist was “AVM…what?”. I have never heard about this rare diasease and I have tought I could have one of them in my spinal cord.
I felt lonely and disoriented until I met a group on a social networks: finally people that can undestand my pain! It seemed like a warm hug.
After few years we decided to create the first Italian AVM association ( ) to meet people affected by AVM in Italy even out of social networks <3 and
I reported all this “love story” also in a book called “AVM…what? – A battle cry against an AVM” that was released on 2024 on RareDiseaseDay