Associazione Italiana MAV odv

Italy Italy

About Associazione Italiana MAV odv

You’re not alone: we support each other.

“We are rare, together”

Arteriovenous malformations are complex pathologies consisting of vascular anamalies in which the arteries flow into one or more drainage veins without passing through the capillaries. The flow is therefore very high and the vessels, which are thus subjected to a higher than normal pressure, deform and become more prone to rupture or thrombosis, resulting in bleeding.

The Italian AVM Association ( Associazione Italiana MAV odv ) was born from the desire of a group of people affected by AVM (Arteriovenous malformation) to gather and help as many people affected by AVM in Italy. Our association was created to support people suffering from arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and their families and spread information about this rare disease.We want to make this disease known as much as possible.

What we do:

  • We spread awareness on AWMs.
  • We support people and families.
  • We are defending the rights of people with AVM.

Why we do that: To help and support people with AVM and their families. AVM is there, but often not seen. We are a group of people who did not find sufficient support in the institutions regarding the rights of those affected by arterovenous malformations, who have joined together to help each other. When this rare disease is diagnosed, the feeling of loss is therefore very strong. Finding a group of people who have experienced or are experiencing the same condition makes you feel much better and the psychological component in our pathology, as well as in many others, is very strong. Today thanks to the association, this support, initially born as a social network group has finally an institutional face and we can help even more people throughout Italy.

How we do that:

  • Group and interaction: We encourage comparison between people affected by AVM, both online and offline
  • Support: Possibility of a medical consultation thanks to our team of medical experts
  • Association: We are group, because being together helps to overcome the most difficult moments
  • Documentation: We collect testimonies and information on AVMs
  • Events: We organize events to promote aggregation and information
  • Specialized centres: We are looking for centres specialising in the treatment of disease

Find for information on our website:

Write us an e-mail: [email protected]


Partner details

Associazione Italiana MAv odv
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